This contest has finished. Congratulations to the winning designer january_444
Background information
You've seen map pins on Google Earth, Google Map, etc. I'm looking for a pin design that does the same function (pinpointing a particular part of an image or photo), but I want it to be a new style of pin not used or seen before.
Company name
Content details
This is for a software startup whose detailed intentions must at this point remain confidential. However, a key function of the product requires that a user be able to "pin" a marker onto a photo or any other image with a mouse click. I want this marker (hereinafter referred to as a pin) to be small enough to not block out lots of screen real estate, but large enough to quickly notice at a glance.
- The marker should be some variant of a pin -- a sharp, pointy end that appears to "stick" into a specific point in an image, and a larger pin body on the other end.
- The shape should be stylish and unique.
- The other end of the pin should be large enough to have a 3-character label placed on it by the software.
- There should be at least 8 different colored pin images provided. Bright colors such as red, yellow, light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green, white, and orange will work fine, as well as metallic (gold, copper, pewter, etc). Feel free to subsitute or add other colors to suit your sense of style.
- It would be nice (but not required) to have several sizes of pin. None need be larger than the yellow "top hat" shaped pin that is Google Earth's standard. Strong consideration given to those who do their image in vector (or other format that provides similar sizing capability) so I can do my own resizing.
- The pin graphic must be able to be displayed either as an opaque solid object, or as a transparent object so the image behind the pin is still somewhat visible.
Don't want
- I do NOT want a pin style like those found in Google Earth or Google Map or like the little ones with the round plastic ball on the end one finds actually sticking into real maps. Can you say B-O-R-I-N-G?
- It should be a vector graphic or some other contemporary format of image that results in a "lightweight" object.
No files
Contest deliverables
Digital design
Final files
Layered vectors
Screen quality
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.