This company was looking for a re-do of an existing 8 1/2 x 11 paper/PDF sales tool (called a one-sheet) that can be distributed by hand in person (once meetings resume) or emailed/shared via social media as a PDF. It acts as a visually appealing yet text-heavy one-page summary of who they are, what they do, who they market to, general pricing information etc. The idea behind my design was to organize the information in a hierarchical style using columns and bullet-points. This makes it easier to digest and read through quickly or find what the viewer is looking for. In addition, I incorporated the orange from the logo to further stay on brand. To made the front side stand out I used an Adobe Stock image of a yacht with a brief description (provided by the client). On the back I used the blue color from the ocean on the image of the yacht; it contrasts beautifully with the orange from the company's logo.