
Delaney Rotta Real Estate Broker
Lawing Psychology
O'Brien+Hatch Photography
Logan Aldridge Peloton Instructor
Milieu Interior Design
Therapist Website
Ricky Watters NFL Legend
ELITE Control + Design
The Path to Gold
Alice+Rosa Cake Design
Jersey City Dental & Implant Studio
Nickcole Byrd Coaching


My design philosophy is clean and simple. I'm a former journalist, so I can tell your story and make your message shine.

"Great design is eliminating all unnecessary details." -Minh D. Tran

Country: United States. Member since: December 24, 2018
Contests won
Runner up
1-to-1 Projects
Repeat clients
Top Level



"It was a real pleasure working with Li. He did a great job transferring our content into Squarespace and was very helpful throughout. Whenever needed, Li would also provide screencasts to illustrate certain settings and functionality. I was especially t..."
Profile pictureB-Drive reviewed 1 day ago
"I thoroughly enjoyed working with Li at Little Ox Workshop. Li was willing to work with me collaboratively and so patient! I'm very pleased with our new website and hope to continue working with Li as time goes by. "
Anonymous client reviewed 3 days ago
"Working with Li was a wonderful, collaborative experience! We look forward to working with him on future projects."
Profile picturekaren.craix reviewed 12 days ago
"Li was fantastic to work with. Super professional and helpful. Great eye and completed my project in much less time than I anticipated it would take. I will definitely work with Little Ox Workshop moving forward with my site! "
Profile picturepatric8q reviewed 19 days ago
"The best experience I have had with any web designer, he has a good taste for the creation of the image you want to represent, and works super fast, very attentive and helpful, and as a human being it was also a great experience working with him, my bes..."
Profile picture1dtorM reviewed 23 days ago