
Personal LinkedIn Banner
Company Profile LinkedIn Banner
YouTube Banner
Techroo Crypto Exchange Website
Mobile App Design concept for growtoday
AR-Metaverse App
LinkedIn Banner
Dental Merchant Website Landing Page
Company Profile LinkedIn Banner
Podcast Cover
Website & Email Banner
Ansafone Website


UI/UX Mobile & Web Designer (2 years+) ● Previously Graphic Designer (~2 Years)

If you are looking for designer who able to create both delightful and usable digital product that match to your business goals, Let's discuss your needs!
You can message me for other portfolio.

Feel free to click "Invite to work" and I will help you to create awesome design.

Thanks 👋

P.S : This account active from August 2021

Member since: August 03, 2017
Entry Level




"The designer got what I wanted in my banner. He was receptive to my feedback and requested changes. Responsive and easy to work with. "
Profile pictureregtiu reviewed almost 2 years ago
"Thanks a lot. Hopefully, we will have another project in the future."
Profile pictureTaufiqGraph responded almost 2 years ago
"Great job, delivered LinkedIn cover image as per the brief"
Anonymous client reviewed almost 2 years ago
"Thank you! Hope we can work together again."
Profile pictureTaufiqGraph responded almost 2 years ago